Search found 3 matches

by VahnCruz
18 Aug 2016, 00:14
Forum: Ask the Devs
Topic: Texture option -Potato
Replies: 3
Views: 29954

Re: Texture option -Potato

I think it looks kind of like The Witness or The Wind Waker. I find it gives it a bit of an ageless look.
by VahnCruz
11 Aug 2016, 00:09
Forum: Ask the Devs
Topic: Texture option -Potato
Replies: 3
Views: 29954

Texture option -Potato

I just watched the Mysterium presentation and it looked amazing. I just realized that I actually like the minimalist look the game has without textures. Especially in Gehn's lab on Crater Island. Could there be an option to actually turn off textures in this fashion in the release? Just replace them...
by VahnCruz
27 Jan 2015, 13:21
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: What Lore based Easter Eggs would you like to see?
Replies: 13
Views: 18084

What Lore based Easter Eggs would you like to see?

I would like to see remnants of the East Path, or an old mine that Gehn had the locals work in. A little more in the way of explaining the infrastructure of the game, as many of the buildings were built after Gehn appeared in Riven, would be nice.