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Texture option -Potato
Posted: 11 Aug 2016, 00:09
by VahnCruz
I just watched the Mysterium presentation and it looked amazing. I just realized that I actually like the minimalist look the game has without textures. Especially in Gehn's lab on Crater Island. Could there be an option to actually turn off textures in this fashion in the release? Just replace them with the proper colors for the item and leave all of the lighting effects in place?

- Riven sample.png (1.75 MiB) Viewed 29954 times
You could call it Potato-vision
Keep up the great work everyone!
Re: Texture option -Potato
Posted: 17 Aug 2016, 11:22
by Arne
I remember me that the game "Realms of the haunting" had this option, but without textures it looks no good. That's my mind .

Re: Texture option -Potato
Posted: 18 Aug 2016, 00:14
by VahnCruz
I think it looks kind of like The Witness or The Wind Waker. I find it gives it a bit of an ageless look.
Re: Texture option -Potato
Posted: 08 Aug 2017, 18:48
by LordNyriox
I have to admit I never particularly thought about that, but you are right. It does look particularly cool. ;}
Side-note: Untextured models could also be used as a performance/debug option for people with slower computers. Textures take up a heck of a lot of memory.