Features You like to see

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Re: Features You like to see

Post by Averagemoe »

scope.png (176.07 KiB) Viewed 18104 times
I hear that during development of the original game, they wanted this thing to rotate to follow the player. Put that in.
Jamie Marchant
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Re: Features You like to see

Post by Jamie Marchant »

I've heard, it was removed since they felt it would scare the player. I am not sure how I feel about it.
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Re: Features You like to see

Post by Yali »

Put it back in! :)
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Re: Features You like to see

Post by Prisoner416 »

Averagemoe wrote:
I hear that during development of the original game, they wanted this thing to rotate to follow the player. Put that in.
Put it in if possible. That and the bookpress are my main wants. I NEED THAT BOOKPRESS.

The codes should randomly generate. The entire point of those codes is them being random and allowing multiple plays.

The East path would be nice but it would be true fan-made content. Don't ever see it happening.

Honestly... I would love to just see all the concept art and original assets. I really love Gehn's original office and the original elevator design.
Jamie Marchant
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Re: Features You like to see

Post by Jamie Marchant »

Most codes in Myst games don't change so I don't see why this one should.
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Re: Features You like to see

Post by dgelessus »

Jamie Marchant wrote:Most codes in Myst games don't change so I don't see why this one should.
Many codes in Riven are randomized. If I remember correctly, it's the ones for the telescope hatch, the linking domes, and the Prison Island elevator cage. There are of course also codes/solutions that are always the same, like the stone combination for the Tay linking book, or the locations for the fire marbles on the power machine. And you are right that in other Myst games, almost all codes are fixed and not randomized.
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Re: Features You like to see

Post by Ariatahn »

If I may make a few further suggestions:
  1. The drawer of butterflies in Gehn's lab
  2. Some equivalent to Brøderbund's developer slideshow might be a fun easter egg (Though of course 59 Volts don't work together in person, so who knows. Mysterium photos?)
Edit: second link changed to the actual developer slideshow. ty, Jamie
Last edited by Ariatahn on 14 Feb 2018, 11:23, edited 1 time in total.
Jamie Marchant
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Re: Features You like to see

Post by Jamie Marchant »

The developer slideshow is a bit down the page from your link. Putting that it might be neat you could show people's Skype photos.(as long as they are not copywrite infringing)

The butterflies may be neat to see. Since they are technically in the game's assets, the Starry Expanse Team would not have to design their own concepts.
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Re: Features You like to see

Post by stuarta0 »

One thing that would be great to see is proper 3D positional sound using HRTF. These games are all about experiencing other worlds and half of that is how you hear what's around you. Having real 3D sound makes those little sounds like insects, rustling leaves, and squealing metal so much more realistic.

If everyone has forgotten what real 3D sound is like (with proper wave tracing, reflections and occlusion) have a listen to this clip with your headphones on.

There's also this clip of FarCry 3 (without violence for the first 3 minutes) showing off the jungle sounds, including the impressive localisation of vehicles driving off in the distance behind you:
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Re: Features You like to see

Post by stuarta0 »

Aha! Google Resonance Audio SDK for UE4 introducing HRTF and room effects for early reflection reverb using acoustic materials + occlusion. Time for some experimentation I think...

https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog ... k-released
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