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Post by Prozaphex »

So I was very pleased with what you guys did with myst. I just wanted to to ask as it was unclear, are you guys currently working/planning to reconstruct "Riven" the same way? If so any timeframe on when you plan to release that? Im just curious as that was my favorite of the 3 game trilogy.

Thank you!
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Re: Riven?

Post by Yali »

realMyst was made by Cyan. Riven is waaaay too huge a game for Cyan to remake it, so they let 59Volts do it for them.

...and there's more than 3 games. Six technically.

https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en#hl=e ... nd+of+ages

...and if you haven't heard, Cyan is making Obduction, a spiritual successor to Myst right now, but that's not to say there won't be any more Myst games. Currently more games are planned to go with the Myst TV show:

..also there's Robyn Miller's unknown game project being made with some old familiar faces (Richard Vander Wende maybe?). They have a concept tumblr here: http://nestingdollsimages.tumblr.com/page/2

So yeah, that's what's going on in the Myst fandom.
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